Root depth of Hydrophytes PDF Print E-mail

Rooting depth of hydprophytes used in constructed wetlands are often unkown. It is not uncommon that purification systems or water retentions systems show reduced purification rates due to colmation in the collection pipes. This colmatation is often caused by roots growing into the pipes.

Especially filtersystems with gravel layers of different particle/gravel sizes are threatened by plants with intense root growth.


IBW is running a trial to identify the root depth of Hydrophytes to be able to recommend plants for your project.

Enclosed Projects PDF Print E-mail

Tests of different Substrate with influence on plant physiology

Kf - Water infiltrationrates

WK max - max Water capacity

Laboratory tests of Christiansen Coefficient of Uniformity for dripperlines

On Site tests of Christiansen Coefficient of Uniformity for dripperlines

On Site tests of Christiansen Coefficient of Uniformity for popups













Alternative substrates for peat

Alternative filter substrates of industrial wasteproducts

Research and Development PDF Print E-mail

IBW stands for Research and Development and Qualitity Management for projects concerning Irrigation, biological water purification and Water Retention. IBW concentrates on Applied Sciences and on actual projects. Results will influence the quality management system so that a durable and sustainable planning, processing and maintainance will be guaranteed.

Test on Uniformity on irrigation systems PDF Print E-mail

Applied tests that based on DIN Rules and Laws Irrigation systems can be tested and the distribution of the applied water can be monitorized.


The higher the Uniformity of the distributed water the lower is the threat of giving too much or too less water.


This is an important issue for water conservational and sustainable operation

Cooperation and Networking PDF Print E-mail

Laboratory Braga - Water Analyzing

Highest quality laboratory and instruments and direct contact to science, research and projects are the key to the success of BraGa. IBW and BraGa ares proud on the cooperation.






Wasseranalysen jetzt noch schneller und präziser PDF Print E-mail
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Mittels einem mikroprozessorgesteuertes Filterphotometer mit 10 Interferenzfilter im Wellenlängenbereich 340 – 860 nm können Wasseranalysen noch schneller analysiert und bestimmt werden. Alle Analysen gehen einher mit einer Interpretation der Ergebnisse im Gesamtkontext und für das Projekt werden relevante Handlungsempfehlungen ausgesprochen.

Wasseranalysen und Handlungsempfehlungen für Beregnungsanalagen:

Einfache Wasseranalyse

Härte (MG, Ca), Eisen, pH Wert, Leitfähigkeit

Umfassende Labor Wasseranalyse
Nitratgehalt, Nitrit, Mangan, Gesamthärte (MG, Ca), Eisen, Zink, Kupfer, pH Wert, Leitfähigkeit

Wasseranalysen und Handlungsempfehlungen für Wasseranlagen:

Einfache Labor Wasseranalyse

Ortho- und Gesamtphosphat (Indikator für Algenbildung), Nitratgehalt, Gesamthärte (MG, Ca),
pH Wert, Leitfähigkeit

Umfassende Labor Wasseranalyse
Ortho- und Gesamtphosphat (Indikator für Algenbildung), Nitratgehalt, Nitrit, Mangan, Gesamthärte (MG, Ca), Eisen, Ammonium, BSB, CSB, TOC, Zink,
Kupfer, pH Wert, Leitfähigkeit